Types of Resorts

1 min. readlast update: 04.27.2022

We work with a range of resorts, every one different and unique. Find out more about the types of resorts you can work at in America.

What type of resorts will I go to?

All of our resorts are high-end, mostly 4 & 5 star rated, in remote, desirable & tourism focused destinations.

How do you pick the resorts you work with?

Each member of our dedicated US team responsible for selecting our resorts has worked at a resort, usually for multiple years and some have even managed bars, restaurants & hotels themselves. They personally handpick all of our resorts, to ensure they're a suitable match for the Resort Leaders program and the people taking part. Each year, we review our resorts and collect feedback from everyone who attended, to make sure we only work with the best out there.

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