Returner Expectations

1 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

What should I expect as a resort returner?

  • Chances to adopt more responsibility 
  • More confidence in your role
  • Seeing staff, guests and friends from previous years 
  • Being able to help new staff

Why should I return to a resort with Resort Leaders?

If you've spent at least one summer working at a resort, you know first-hand how incredible the experience is. Resort Leaders are here to support you throughout your returner journey. Our American team & Visa Sponsor Partners are here to support you while you're out at the resort as we realise that, even though you've been before, you may need help from time to time.  

Will I have the same amount of help with my application as I did in my first year?

As a returner, the application process is straightforward. Just follow the steps in your profile. 

If you need help with anything, please contact us.

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