Coronavirus Information (COVID-19)

2 min. readlast update: 10.18.2023

Will vaccination be required to travel to the U.S.?

Yes, based on the requirements set out by the U.S. Government, all international travellers must be fully vaccinated. 

Will I be required to quarantine on arrival to the U.S.?

No, if you plan to travel internationally, you will need to get a COVID-19 viral test (regardless of vaccination status or citizenship) no more than 1 day before you travel by air into the United States. You must show your negative result to the airline before you board your flight.

If you recently recovered from COVID-19, you may instead travel with documentation of recovery from COVID-19 (i.e., your positive COVID-19 viral test result on a sample taken no more than 90 days before the flight’s departure from a foreign country and a letter from a licensed healthcare provider or a public health official stating that you were cleared to travel).

What happens if I contract COVID-19 during the summer/while at my resort?

Each resort will have its own quarantine procedures in place following guidance from the U.S. Government and their local state. These procedures may differ from resort to resort. 

If I contract COVID-19 whilst on the program, will I be covered by medical insurance?

Yes. You will receive regular insurance coverage in this case, provided you were not diagnosed with COVID-19 before your insurance start date. If you are experiencing any symptoms of illness before departure, we ask that you follow your local health authority's guidance. Your medical insurance also includes Trip Delay coverage up to $1500 while you are on program.


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